Restumping: Is It the Right Choice for Your Home?

Whether you're living in an older house or planning to buy one, there's a good chance you may have to face some structural issues. One of the most common problems with older homes is weak or damaged foundations. And if left unaddressed, these problems can lead to bigger and more expensive issues in the long run. One of the best solutions for foundation issues is restumping. Here's what you need to know to determine if restumping is the right choice for your home.

What Is Restumping?

Also known as reblocking, restumping is the process of replacing the stumps (timber or concrete) that support your home's foundation. Restumping is usually necessary when the existing stumps have decayed or shifted over time due to poor soil conditions, termite infestations, storms or subsidence. Restumping is a complex and time-consuming process that involves shoring up your home while the old stumps are removed. New stumps are then installed either by using timber or steel.

How to Know if Your Home Needs Restumping

There are several signs that may indicate that your home needs restumping. The most obvious is visible sagging or uneven floors. If you notice that certain areas of your home are sinking or your floors are sloping, it's likely that you have foundation issues. Other signs to look out for include cracks in walls, doors and windows that don't close properly and the presence of dampness or mildew in your home. If you're not sure whether your home needs restumping, it's always best to get a professional opinion.

The Benefits of Restumping

While restumping can be expensive and disruptive, the benefits of having a stable foundation for your home are worth the investment. Restumping can increase the overall value of your property and make it more attractive to buyers if you plan to sell your home in the future. Restumping can also prevent further damage to your home's structure, improve your home's energy efficiency, and reduce the risk of termite infestations. Finally, restumping can help you avoid more costly repairs down the line.

Choosing the Right Restumping Contractor

Restumping is not a DIY job, and it's essential to choose the right contractor to ensure the work is done correctly. Look for a company with extensive experience in restumping and one that is licensed, insured and accredited. Check online reviews and ask for references to get an idea of the contractor's reputation. It's also a good idea to get at least three quotes before deciding on a contractor. Make sure the contract outlines all the work that will be done, including any costs that may be incurred, and ensure that the contractor has a clear understanding of the work that is required.

For more info about house restumping, contact a local company. 
